Jeremy Radio

Sunday, May 4, 2008

My First Blog - Top 5 websites

Well, here it is my first blog. I am not quite sure what to say. Me being the lazy person that I am, I'll probably just archive my emails from my exile in Korea, (of course changing the names to protect the innocent), possibly some of my stories, and add some of my music recordings in MP3 format for shameless self-promotion. Or I could induce a rampant rash of comas by posting my 150 page masters paper. If you can't sleep just read a few pages and off to dreamland....ZZZZZZZ

Taking a page from my awesome wife (the BLOG Queen, which is somewhat akin to the BORG Queen, Resistance is Futile!) I thought it would be interesting to hear everyone's Top 5 websites. This could mean the 5 you visit the most often or your favorite 5, regardless of how often you visit.

In random order: The Official Site of Orson Scott Card The best fan Star Wars site out there for news, etc. A decent site for Braves info Good tuba information site (like you really care) Mostly for Music and the Spoken Word on Sundays, but other good stuff on there as well.

So, there it is in all its glory. My first blog.

Send complaints to


Linda said...

I'm so proud of you dear. I think I shed a tear.

Benjamin said...

Welcome to the world of blog. The first one is the hardest. The rest just start to roll after that. Thanks for hitting my blog from Alaska.