Linda told me about this Shelfari thing that one could use to add a list of books to their blog, so voila! I did. Now I have to remember a bunch of the books I've read. So far it has been fun and a reminder that I haven't wasted my entire life watching drivel on television but I've also wasted countless hours reading alot of drivel, too.
**No offense intende to most of the authors that I have read. You all have done something I haven't done, which is to get published!
Jeremy Radio
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
Vote for Hillary & General Zod 2008
I was perusing googlenews and came upon this article located here:
I then followed the link to General Zod's campaign website here:
One word: Hilarious (Notice the similarity of this word to a certain name? Coincidence?)
Ed. Note: For those who don't remember General Zod is from Krypton (like Superman) and was the primary baddie in Superman II. General Zod also bears an amazing resemblance to Chancellor Valorum from SW:E1:TPM. I guess his designs for conquest and power weren't just limited to Earth but the whole dang galaxy.
I then followed the link to General Zod's campaign website here:
One word: Hilarious (Notice the similarity of this word to a certain name? Coincidence?)
Ed. Note: For those who don't remember General Zod is from Krypton (like Superman) and was the primary baddie in Superman II. General Zod also bears an amazing resemblance to Chancellor Valorum from SW:E1:TPM. I guess his designs for conquest and power weren't just limited to Earth but the whole dang galaxy.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
As luck would have it...
Just before I was about to ascend the podium and wave my arm around with a stick in goofy patterns (also known as conducting, as in music, as in the last movement of the Pines of Rome, the Pines of the Appian Way, the part where the whales fly into space. It's for the NCO concert in June.) my good friend and now band commander calls me on my cell phone and informs me that he is no longer going to be the commander at Fort Riley. I guess the guy currently there didn't want to leave, so now my friend may be off to Korea. Anyway, I informed Linda of this recent turn of events and she gave me the all-knowing "I told you so" look, which was real impressive as this happened over the phone. Amazing skills she does have, hmm. So, maybe there was some reason the EFMP guy 180-ed on me. Perhaps I'll never know...
Sunday, May 18, 2008
A Typical Mormon Saturday?
Yesterday was a hectic day for sure. One would think that Saturday would be a breather from the previous five days, but not so. The alarm blared @ 0530 and I begrudgingly arose. First on the docket, the ward's Boy Scout Pancake Breakfast to raise money for Scout Camp. I had the dubious responsibilty of towing the giant griddle to the church due to the large mass of car that I own. (Suburban) So after I got the boys up because they had to help with the setup, off to the church we went. I followed the YM Pres to the home of griddle pick-up (which was a smart move on his part; he probably has heard the legends of my extraordinary navigational skills) and once they figured out how to unhook it from my vehicle, the pancakes where flying like hotcakes. (?) The breakfast kicked off at 8am and an hour later, before the auction started, it was off to Tucson for the quorum's Deseret Industries assignment. So me and three other members of the quorum sped off in my car to Tucson. After moving a bunch of boxes and rearranging their shelving in the book section (which was a good excuse for perusing the section as well; man, I got quite a few books for a meager total of $5.50), we hit lunch at one of those build-your-own-burrito-type places somewhere on Broadway and, after eating myself into slight coma, began the drive home. Thank heaven for Scott & Ben's homestead exit or I seriously would have ran out of gas before I hit Benson.
Once back in town, and after I had dropped everyone off at their respective homes, I looked down at my watch and realized I had about 25 minutes to get home, change into church clothes(which, of course, were nowhere near ready) and get to the Stake Center for the Stake Priesthood Leadership Meeting from 4-6pm. I somehow made it before the opening song. The Adult Session followed an hour later and I about fell asleep on the stand in the back of the choir. Of course it was "real fun" as I got to drop the news that I am moving to the Stake Presidency.
"President Howe, how are you?"
"Hi, I'm moving in two months."
Perhaps they breathed a sigh of relief as now they could release the slacker that I am without having to pretend it wasn't due to my incompetence. I saved them the trouble of having to concoct some "nicer" way of getting rid of me. ("Well, we really need someone to be the ward magazine rep...") The Tucson Mission President spoke (or maybe that was today, can't remember) and after ticking Linda off, my greatest, most natural talent,(another subplot woven throughout the day, but that's another story) I drove home and fell into bed. I woke up a couple hours later and stared at the ceiling until morning. I hate moving. Anxiety blows!
Once back in town, and after I had dropped everyone off at their respective homes, I looked down at my watch and realized I had about 25 minutes to get home, change into church clothes(which, of course, were nowhere near ready) and get to the Stake Center for the Stake Priesthood Leadership Meeting from 4-6pm. I somehow made it before the opening song. The Adult Session followed an hour later and I about fell asleep on the stand in the back of the choir. Of course it was "real fun" as I got to drop the news that I am moving to the Stake Presidency.
"President Howe, how are you?"
"Hi, I'm moving in two months."
Perhaps they breathed a sigh of relief as now they could release the slacker that I am without having to pretend it wasn't due to my incompetence. I saved them the trouble of having to concoct some "nicer" way of getting rid of me. ("Well, we really need someone to be the ward magazine rep...") The Tucson Mission President spoke (or maybe that was today, can't remember) and after ticking Linda off, my greatest, most natural talent,(another subplot woven throughout the day, but that's another story) I drove home and fell into bed. I woke up a couple hours later and stared at the ceiling until morning. I hate moving. Anxiety blows!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
I added a video
Part of my use of this blog is shameless self promotion. I actually used my puny brain and figured out how to link to a youtube video a member of my band posted. I will likely put up some audio files as soon as I figure out how to do that. It looks like I need to find a (free) host server to store all my junk so that I can upload and link to all my stuff. Maybe some of you smart people out there already know how/where to do this. I know you can't wait for my first tuba track. Bring out the earplugs (or the mute button).
Sunday, May 4, 2008
My First Blog - Top 5 websites
Well, here it is my first blog. I am not quite sure what to say. Me being the lazy person that I am, I'll probably just archive my emails from my exile in Korea, (of course changing the names to protect the innocent), possibly some of my stories, and add some of my music recordings in MP3 format for shameless self-promotion. Or I could induce a rampant rash of comas by posting my 150 page masters paper. If you can't sleep just read a few pages and off to dreamland....ZZZZZZZ
Taking a page from my awesome wife (the BLOG Queen, which is somewhat akin to the BORG Queen, Resistance is Futile!) I thought it would be interesting to hear everyone's Top 5 websites. This could mean the 5 you visit the most often or your favorite 5, regardless of how often you visit.
In random order: The Official Site of Orson Scott Card The best fan Star Wars site out there for news, etc. A decent site for Braves info Good tuba information site (like you really care) Mostly for Music and the Spoken Word on Sundays, but other good stuff on there as well.
So, there it is in all its glory. My first blog.
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Taking a page from my awesome wife (the BLOG Queen, which is somewhat akin to the BORG Queen, Resistance is Futile!) I thought it would be interesting to hear everyone's Top 5 websites. This could mean the 5 you visit the most often or your favorite 5, regardless of how often you visit.
In random order: The Official Site of Orson Scott Card The best fan Star Wars site out there for news, etc. A decent site for Braves info Good tuba information site (like you really care) Mostly for Music and the Spoken Word on Sundays, but other good stuff on there as well.
So, there it is in all its glory. My first blog.
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